In addition to planting potaters last week, we took advantage of the nicer weather and also transplanted a whackload of starts from the greenhouses. Everything from spinach to beets to broccoli went into the ground. Just look at all these healthy looking starts in their trays, just waiting to be planted in long, straight rows:
The first step to transplanting is separating the soil blocks. After growing together in their cozy trays, the starts have gotten used to being together. Pulling them apart is actually really satisfying, since they make a sound that's almost like velcro separating. After some separation, a single soil block of onions, for example, will go from being one of the pack.... a more solitary individual:
Next, we load up the tractor and the transplanter with the trays of separated soil blocks and get a-transplanting!
The starts get planted in nice, long rows....
....until the fields end up looking like this....
....and this:
Exciting stuff!
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