Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Nouveau Chapeau & Potaters

Potato Rows & Mountains


As you can see from the rows pictured above, the potaters that Tim and I planted are starting to come up! But in more important news, I got a new hat.

New Hat!

I love the ol' Blue Jays hat, but I couldn't resist this green, Cariboos Brewing hat that came free with a six-pack of Cariboos beer. Apprentice Tim is especially jealous of my new hat. I don't blame Tim for being jealous, especially because his hat is pretty lame, tan, and nondescript.

Tim and I are big fans of Cariboos beer. You know, just to take the edge off. Apprentice Jill, on the other hand, is a fan of PBR and Lucky Lager.

Empty Beer Pile

Below are some pictures of me in my new hat. I'm busy mowing the lawn and saving grass clippings to be used as mulch in the strawberry patch.

Riding the Lawnmower

Pointing On a Lawnmower

I think it's safe to say that I look good.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

10 Farm Photos

1) Gumboots keeping dry and out of the sun under the RV.

Boots Under the RV

2) By living in an RV, I'm now a Big Boy AND having "the experience of a lifetime!"

RV Spare Tire

3) The remains of a Makaria Farm sacrifice to the farming gods. (Or maybe we were just enjoying beer, sausage, and marshmallows?)

Remains of a Fire

4) I found this sign in some long grass, but unfortunately the Real Fruit Gummis (TM) were already sold out.

Real Fruit Gummis

5) A look inside Apprentice Jill's shack window. It's very mysterious in there. Who knows what kind of trouble she gets into in there?

Jill's Hut Window

6) Maybe we'll get some garlic bulbs in a couple of weeks?


7) Gate to the fields. The farm's been lucky enough to be spared from soil diseases like club root (which can be spread on the soles of visitors' boots and shoes), so we're being extra careful.

Soil Disease Alert!

8) It's not a good idea to run over rocks with Farmer Brock's expensive tractor equipment, so we try to pile them all up in one section of the farm.

Rock Pile

9) It's too bad buttercups are such a damaging weed because they're pretty and spreading across the farm.


10) A Makaria Farm neighbour.


Saturday, June 18, 2011

What's Going On in the Greenhouses?

Greenhouse + Sprinkler

We've been so busy in the fields lately that I feel like I've almost forgotten about the greenhouses. A couple of weeks ago, we went in and cut down all the grass, cleaned things up, and reorganized, so things are looking good.

Most of our starts have already been transplanted into the fields, but there's still some cool stuff waiting to be planted.



Red Sails Lettuce

Freckles Romaine Lettuce

Romaine Lettuce

From top to bottom, those are beets, corn, red sails lettuce, freckles romaine lettuce, and more romaine lettuce. There's a good chance, however, that I'm off on those lettuce varieties.

And speaking of greenhouses, I went on a farm tour of Haliburton Farm near Victoria and was hot-diggity-dog impressed with some of their greenhouses. Here are some photos of a couple of Farmer Ray's greenhouses and healthy looking veggie plants.

Awesome Greenhouse 01

Another Awesome Greenhouse 02

Peas Close Up

Friday, June 17, 2011

Would You Buy Produce From This Guy?

Tim + Newsletter 01

Farmer Brock decided that, no, people would not buy produce from this guy. So the photo was nixed from the newsletter and replaced by this one:

Tim + Newsletter 02

Personally, I'm a fan of the first photo. Apprentice Tim has never looked so good!

(Layout and newsletter design by Apprentice Jill)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sunday is a Day of Rest (Part II)

"Hey, Mike," you might be asking, "where else did you go on your day of rest?"

Good question! I'm glad you asked.

After visiting the Maple Bay beach, I stopped by the Maple Bay Yacht Club. I was attracted by their water barns. I'm assuming they keep yachts in there?

Maple Bay Yacht Club

After picking up a mediocre cup of coffee at the coffee shop and gift shop, I did some wandering around the yacht club grounds. Soon enough, I came across this little sign:

Herb Garden

I love herbs and gardens, so I decided to take a look. This is what I found:

Dead Herb Plants 03

Dead Herb Plants 02

Dead Herb Plants 01

Looks like the herb garden needs a little water. Luckily there's a nearby pond and miniature lighthouse with decorative floating beer bottles.

Pond + Lighthouse

Needless to say, I was a little disappointed with the Maple Bay Yacht Club, no matter how impressed I am by its water barns. So I got back in the car and started driving aimlessly around the back roads again. Soon enough, I arrived at another bay, this one by the name of Genoa Bay.

Genoa Bay

The highlight of Genoa Bay? This awesome houseboat, complete with outdoor chandelier. Pretty sweet!

Awesome Houseboat

There's an interesting looking little cafe/restaurant at Genoa Bay, so I think I'm heading back some time soon. I'll let you know how it goes, or if I somehow get myself invited onto that houseboat....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Sunday is a Day of Rest (Part I)

Last Sunday I had the day off from farming, so I decided to do a little exploring in the greater Duncan area. First stop? Saison Market Vineyard for coffee and snacks.

Here's the vineyard:

Saison Market Vineyard

And here's something I never would have appreciated before working on a farm - a barn full of cool tractors.

Cool Tractors

After purchasing my coffee and snacks, I decided to drive aimlessly around some back roads. Soon enough, I stumbled across a little place called Maple Bay. I parked the car and wandered down some stairs....

Stairs to Maple Bay Beach

....and found this beautiful business:

Maple Bay Beach + Dock

Maple Bay Beach

Things were so nice, in fact, that I decided to sit on a rock and enjoy my snacks and coffee at Maple Bay.

Saison Snacks & Coffee

I also enjoyed watching people row. Rowing looks difficult.

Maple Bay Rowers

Feeling well-caffeinated and full-in-the-belly, I decided to wander around on Maple Bay's multicoloured rocks.

Multicolored Beach Rocks

I also found what I thought was purple mitten. I thought to myself, what's a purple mitten doing on the beach in the summer?

Purple Starfish

Word to the wise: if you're in Maple Bay any time soon, don't try on this mitten. It's not really a mitten.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Growing Up and Moving On

Remember when the asparagi was just a boot or so high? No more!

Asparagus = Tall

Jill in the Asparagus

Creeping Around in the Asparagus

Time flies, eh? One minute they're wee little whipper snappers who need all your time and attention, the next they're stealing booze from your liquor cabinet and heading off to university....